Friday, June 23, 2006

Big Screen... Plus Football Fever.

Haih... I now writing this while i watching the game between spain and saudi arabic... Location? At the showroom of Genting... Big Screen... Big Hall and Big Aircond.... Of cause we all have the big shout when there is a shot by spain... There is another 2 small screen aside which is showing the match between ukraine and tunish... I hope is Ukraine is winning... Coz i rarely paid attention to that small screen. haha

Although i rarely watch on football..but i was surrounded by the football fever heat around genting... You would see all the football jersey shown up some of the outlet in Genting and the cashiers and Waiter all were worn it. Haha... Feel like i was in another place that greater than Germany.

But Somehow, All my friends was in the heat of the fever. And me myself was also enjoy watching all the 64 matchs but now i thing only 48 matchs had pass... Since secondary, i was very rare watch on the football match eventhou my sister also become part of it. But Worldcup still have some attrative manner that
make me love it...

Probably i saw the games as a miniature of the war bewteen 32 countries... Haha!!! How cruel i am.. No la No la... I not that cruel la... Just like to analys on each team strenght and weakness like their history in playing as well as their player's injuried that will effect the match. So many thing that could let me do in doing some
analyst on it...

Now the match between Spain and Arab is very exciting and spain is keep attack toward Arabian goal and never give a rest for them. At 56 min now spain is 1-0 leading the match and they sure will win the games... and march toward the 16... So i shall continue with the match... Haha... TATA

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